A nationwide warranty supplier helping consumers find the right programs for their vehicle protection needs.
You will need to fill out the following Google Form to complete this training module.
Click on this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdzMekrmt83sgrqfxEbjfzX5jLvy-hXb7_fdP2SGzhN41uVZg/viewform
Follow the video to understand SCC Policy.
Things you need to know as a Trainee:
Pre-employment training is voluntary – you may drop out of training at anytime.
You are not entitled to a job at the conclusion of the 2 day classroom training period. You will need to pay attention and absorb as much information as you can during these training modules. SCC needs to know that you are prepared to hit the phones and sell warranties.
You will be bonused $100 for the two days you spend in training if (AND ONLY IF) you complete ONE FULL WEEK on the job.
In order to move to the AM shift (6 hours a day) you will need to hit a minimum quota of 2 sales in one week and pitch (rate a vehicle) once per hour.